Media Diary: Applying Encoding / Decodong
Choose a media product from an industry that you are familiar with - choose from the following: TV, Magazines, Newspapers, Advertising. Find an image or a short Audio Visual piece which illustrates the specific media text you have chosen.
Your first task is to summarise what the text is and who the target audience is using at least one method of Audience Classification.
Your second task is to analyse what the Preferred Reading of the text is.
What do the encoders want to achieve? What ideologies are encoded?
What does the text celebrate? What are the underlying messages?
What does it tell us about life!?
Your third task is to analyse what an Oppositional Reading of the text might be.
List the ideologies and feelings that might be held by someone who understands what the text is trying to do but rejects it – explain why their Cultural Experiences might lead to this.
​Your fourth task is to describe a situation whereby an audiences Situated Culture might lead to them taking a Negotiated Reading of the text.

Stuart Hall said that: "Decodings do not follow inevitably from Encodings!" Is your choice the kind of text that might be mis-read by a large section of the audience - changing how the text is perceived?