Welcome to the imaginatively titled: Nick's Media Vlogs.
New for September 2019, this page will be a series of regular* video blogs that discuss a variety of Media related issues. Sometimes it will relate to conversations had in the classroom that day, other times it might be recommendations of TV shows, film or music that I am listening to.
I'll try to keep the focus as academic and relevant to the course as possible - but it should also be useful to point you in the direction of other Media related stuff that is interesting but just doesn't quite fit into the course at that time.
Keep visiting and as a signed up member of the blog you are very welcome to comment on the posts and take the conversation in any which way you like!

Project Nolan: Tenet

Project Nolan: Dunkirk

Project Nolan: Inception

Project Nolan: Interstellar

Project Nolan: The Prestige

Project Nolan: The Dark Knight Rises

Project Nolan: The Dark Knight (including 5-1 reveal)

Project Nolan: Batman Begins

Project Nolan: Memento

Project Nolan: Insomnia

Project Nolan: Following

Project Nolan: 10-6

Project Nolan: Introduction

Old from New & New from Old

A Tale of Two Ads

Mickey Vs Aunty

PSB or not PSB, that is the question.

Gender Trouble

"I never make predictions... and I never will."

WARNING: This media may bite!

With your feet on the air & your head on the ground...

Chewing Gum for the Eyes?

Au Revoir Marie Claire

This is My Truth Tell Me Yours


Fan. (noun) ... from the Latin fanaticus

Life Imitating Art Imitating Life?

'Fixing' the news...

It definitely is Friday...

Hello - it's not Wednesday!
*I planned to do these daily, I think we both know that's not going to happen!