Media Diary: You Can't Handle the Truth!
There are certain 'truths' that we are told from a young age, that we tend to find out the reality of as we grow up; no matter how heartbreaking it is to discover your parents filling up the a Christmas stocking or the relief on finding that your face hasn't stayed that way when the wind changed!
However, some 'truths' are repeated to us well into adulthood, maintained and reinforced until they become almost unquestionable - largely due to their relentless repetition in the mainstream media.
How often are we told about the ideal body size or shape for men and women? Why do we take it for granted that a teenager is an antisocial narcissist? Who's checking to see whether all refugees really are 'flooding' into the country ready to steal our jobs and our livelihoods?
Stereotypes exist to further an agenda, news media can be as ideological as a narrative text - and so can advertisements!
Your job is to pick one of these 'truths' and analyse how it is represented as pure 'common sense' in a variety of media texts. How is it legitimised, how is it put forward as little more than straight forward 'facts' - when the reality may be far from it.

“The most dangerous ideas are not those that challenge the status quo. The most dangerous ideas are those so embedded in the status quo, so wrapped in a cloud of inevitability, that we forget they are ideas at all.” - Jacob M. Appel Phoning Home, 2014