This cover for the Men's Health magazine featuring Johnathon Majors has a clear target audience. Presumably the target audience for this magazine would be for a younger audience from ages 12-30 and that of a mainstreamer audience type due to Majors' recent appearances in the MCU and the Rocky franchise making him a predominant figure in the world of cinema at the moment, allowing the magazine cover to target two broad audiences bringing them to this cover. There is evidence provided by the cover itself using a shortcut to meaning so that the viewers can easily identify who the cover is representing as we see the copy "The making of Marvel's biggest, baddest antihero" and this combined with the body language of Majors as he is in a boxing stance referencing his role as Damian in Creed 3 allowing the audience to easily identify who is in the magazine cover. This cover would be very appealing to these audience members as it would allow them to learn more in depth about Majors and how he prepared for these roles.
Although, there could be another audience type that could be reachable with this magazine cover as it could target a male audience who take interest in fitness as the magazine promotes a healthier style of living which these audience members are easily aligned to the ideologies of what the magazine promotes, making this covers appealable for this audience member as in return they would be able to adopt some of the training methods that Johnathon Majors has took upon himself in his preparation for his recent roles. This cover could appeal to the aspirer audience members as the cover could give these audience members as sense of fulfilment as they could attempt to achieve the aspirational body type. Also, the copy at the top of the magazine cover saying"23 Hot Fitness Trends for 2023" would allow these audience members to keep up with some of the most popular training methods at this point in time and improve their lifestyle.
Furthermore, I believe that the preferred reading for the magazine cover is the idea of leading a healthy lifestyle is important and can be beneficial to you. Also, the magazine promotes the ideology that in order to be successful you must lead a healthy lifestyle which is proven by Johnathon Majors in the cover as he does and has both of these things making him a perfect candidate for the ideologies behind the Men's Health magazine.
I understand that this text is trying to promote various ideologies success and how it can be achieved. However, I think it actually promotes more traditional ideologies surrounding men and how they have to look in order to be deemed as acceptable in society. This is because of the traditional image of the muscular, strong body type as shown in the magazine cover and the exaggerated 'tips and tricks' that can strengthen the patriarchal ideologies.