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Media Diaries week 3 - The Life Changer

The netflix series that first aired on Lifetime on September 9th, 2018, in the united states, and appeared on netflix internationally on december 28th, 2018 is an american psychological thriller series which follows the life of Joe Goldberg, a New York bookstore manager and soon to be serial killer who soon falls in love with the vulnerable customer Guinevere Beck, referred to as Beck. the whole relationship soon turns extremely toxic as joe begins to form a delusional obsession with Beck, stalking all her social media profiles as well as her friends and ex boyfriend and even therapists. Joe then goes on a killing spree to try and free Beck from anyone elses grasps so he then can have her all to himself, in turn killing her ex boyfriend Benji, her best friend Peach and finally Beck herself, he then frames Becks therapist for each death in turn leaving Joe Goldberg innocent.
The whole series affected me due to how easily it was to find out all this information on Joe's part. This scared me into double checking each of my social media accounts are privatised, displaying no personal information except my name. I believe the moral of the series is to show how easy it is a stranger can enter your life acting as if they know you from checking your interests on social media. I think it teaches the audience to take extra care when setting up a social media account ensuring they don't overshare anything about their life such as their school, current location or any other private information a stranger is able to find out. Another series came out on the 26th of December 2019 and once again Joe Goldberg does the exact same thing to another woman killing people around her to get closer to her after finding out her interests, her place of work and family on social media. Joe made the whole situation look like a coincidence when he decides to get a job at the same place as said woman. The series ends with joe goldberg having impregnated this woman, blaming her brother for all deaths he has cusedas a result of getting closer to Love, the woman, forcing the police to shoot her brother dead.


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