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'Animoji yourself' AD and 'Xanny' Billie Eilish Music Video

The advert created by apple is used to promote the new iPhone X and the new feature of animoji.this advert has a playful tone suggesting apple didn’t want it to be taken too seriously. within the ad, apple creators used a well known song, 'All Night' by Big Boi for the 38 second long clip. The song would help with the fact that this attracts ‘the struggler’ as they aim to fit in whilst consuming brands such as apple as an excuse to escape as it will stick in your mind therefore within society. As well as the song contributing to fulfilling the need to escape, the visuals and humours tone of the advert also helps this concept. This advert would also appeal to the aspirer. An aspirer looks at how others view them and try products for the visual looks and focus on their status. This advert would appeal to them as they would be attracted to the new design of the phone as it will essentially bring up their social status due to the expense and new features that accompanies the iPhone X. Finally, this advert would also catch the attention of the ‘Mainstreamer’. Mainstreamers fit in with the changes of society whilst also sticking with value for money. They strive for security. The whole advert is situated around why the new iPhone X doe have value for money though it may be expensive.

Genuinely speaking, I believe the target audience for the advert would be a youthful audience for example teenagers like me. I think this because younger people within society are more likely to use emojis over the older generation over messages to their friends and over social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. In addition to the mention of social media, the woman used within the ad is Alana Grezata who is a well known model known for being a stylist on instagram, the younger audience would be able to recognise her as a role model drawing their attention to the advert. The us of this influential role model, within the advert will appeal to the mainstreamers within our society as they will relate to her and buy the product due to the affiliation between the two.
Xanny was written and sung by Billie Eilish, an 18 year old singer songwriter the song explores the artists take on recreational drug use. Xanny is the 6th official video from Billies album ‘When we all fall asleep where do we go’, it features the teenager singing while cigarettes are getting put out on her face. The song was written after a night out with friends. The lyrics find Eilish questioning the popularity of irresponsible drug use. The young singer said in one interview “just watching my friends become completely not who they were. Watching their personalities crumple up and fall”. The title is a reference to the prescription drug xanax which is used to help manage anxiety but has recently become popular with recreational use. Te song also represents the artists sadness in correlation to her good friend xxxTentacion passing she wrote the song days after his murder and you can hear her feeling within the songs easy vibe.


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