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Assassins' creed black flag

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

I have chosen assassins creed black flag which was released in 2013. black flag is a pirate game set in 1715 soon after the Spanish succession war. you play as a young pirate called Edward Kenway who is apart in an never ending war between templars and assassins. 'Edward' will have to withstand dangers that may destroy everything the pirates achieved. this game is unique because the rest of the franchise priorities killing where as black flag shows the whole life off a pirate (hunting/sailing/combat). the estimated production budget for black flag is around $100 million. Ubisoft Montreal developed the game along with the rest of the franchise. Ubisoft is a very well know development company due to the fact they have created some of the most well known games in gaming like assassins creed, far cry, for honor and watch dogs along with more child friendly games like just dance but there profession is in combat games. 900 worked on the creation of assassins creed black flag. assassins creed black flag was unique because in 2013 games like grand theft auto V and call of duty ghost where released which are both set in 21st century where as assassins creed black flag is set in 18th century. the target audience is teenage and possible people who enjoy history. Ubisoft used a lot of trailers with gameplay to market there game. by doing this people knew exactly what the game would look like and be like


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