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Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

Assassins Creed IV black flag was released 29th October 2013 and begins in 1715 when pirates established a lawless republic in the Caribbean which ruled the lands and the seas. These outlaws paralyzed navies, haltered international trade and plundered vast fortunes.

  • what makes Assassins Creed unique and different to the other games released before this is that black flag allows you to experience new plot lines, portraying Edward Kenny - the captain of the ship whilst also meeting some of the most iconic pirates in history and establish your own name.

application of theory.

  • Stuart hall- Reception theory

- this theory focuses on the idea that communication is a process involving encoding by producers and decoding the audiences. he believes that there is 3 hypothetical positions dominant, negotiated and oppositional readings.

People who take the dominant reading would play for the thrill of the gameplay and would love the storyline of the pirates, this could potentially bring them back to earlier in their life as pirates' have connotations with young imagination, they would also enjoy the familiarity of the new version of the game and be more inclined to play it as the same protagonist is featured from the last game.

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