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Audience Appeals

All media products have things that appeal to the audience, and as so, media products tend to have a target audience depending on their appeals, however some can still reach a very wide audience by using lots of different appeals at once, or letting their audience decide what they want to use the product for 2 examples of media products and their target audiences.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer

The Pokemon Sword and Shield trailer has multiple lines of appeal that it's audience could enjoy, first, it allows it's audience to live through dream-like, fantasy experiences how they want to, since it is a video game, also, it could be argued that this ad challenges our need to nurture as we see many cute animals in the trailer that we are encouraged to take care of and be friends with by buying the game. The trailer could be seen as trying to use our need to escape as playing games in general is one of the most common ways to escape reality in today's society, and in the trailer we see a fantasy world much different than our own, telling the viewer that they can take a break from life by sitting down and playing the game.

The ad also makes use of the uses and gratifications model, for example, in the trailer it shows that you can do "raids" by teaming up with other players to take down, or capture a large pokemon, this lets the audience know that they can use this games as a social experience and interact with their friends through the game. Also, it could obviously be used for entertainment, as it is a game designed specifically for the player to find enjoyable.


Reddit has a very broad range of audience appeals, due to the fact that the community can create their own pages within the site, there is a very high chance that anybody can find what they're looking for on Reddit, for example, someone could go on Reddit and appease their appeal of glamorous places by going on a photography subreddit based on locations, or if they want to spectate someone's rich lifestyle, they could go on a subreddit where rich people post about their day-to-day life. Reddit could appease someone's need for affiliation as it's a form of social network where you can interact with people all around the world, or it could help someone escape their daily life and distract them from stressful things like school or work.

Reddit's use of the uses and gratifications model is also very varied in the fact that it could be argued to use all of them, it could help people find out more about the world in it's news subreddits, it could be used for pure entertainment purposes in subreddits based around meme culture or humour in general, it is a social media so it is evident that social interaction is going to be a heavy use where you can talk to people with similar interests to you by going on subs that you find interesting and finding threads you want to join the discussion in.

Overall Reddit could be used for a very wide variety of things and can fulfil lots of needs.

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