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Audience Appeals

Aldi 2018 Christmas Advert:

This advert shows a small adventure following an animated carrot. This is unrealistic to every mature mind, however, this will strongly appeal to a younger audience.

The use of the animation is targeting more towards children as you would usually see this type of medium in children’s films. Younger audiences can easily become intrigued by characters and grow more emotionally attached to them - older audiences may see these animations as cute but they most likely won’t actively seek to see them.

This advert uses stock characters which are easy to understand - antagonist and hero. The audience will be supportive of the hero and may get somewhat invested in the short story. There is also a group of baby carrots in need of help. I believe children will be enthusiastic about this story as they will want the carrots to be saved.

They have also used a voice over. This is written and spoken as something that resembles a bedtime story. This will massively appeal to the younger audience as they most likely get bedtime stories read to them by their parents.

The main target audience is children. Most of the conventions of this advert are catered to a younger audience.


This is a series following an autistic boy called Sam Gardner as he goes on a journey for love and independence.

The audience for this is predominately teenagers - Sam himself is 18 years old. One of the main settings is the high school, many teenagers are attracted to watching this type of show as they may be able to relate.

Moreover, this series will appeal to some people with a need to satisfy curiosity. Some of the audience may have a need to learn more about the autistic spectrum. This series will attract them as it’s main focus is the life of an autistic boy and the people surrounding him.

People who are on the spectrum, or know someone who is, may watch this series to connect with the story. They will relate to some of the moments. Sam’s sister, Casey, will appeal to some of the audience as she takes on many stressful situations of her own - while still taking on an important role in Sam’s life.

One scene in the series is Casey’s 16th birthday party. During this party, Sam has to complete his birthday ritual - he does this every time it’s Casey’s birthday or he believes something will happen to Edison (his tortoise). Casey puts off doing the ritual as her ex-best friend has been invited by her mother. She and her friend both have feelings for each other, but Casey has a boyfriend. This will appeal to the part of the audience that is questioning their sexuality as Casey faces a confusing time in her life. They may be able to relate to this situation.

Also, the mother and father of Sam and Casey face troubles in their relationship. Sam’s mother has an affair on her husband. Young people could relate to this as their parents could have been through the same thing. The audience may find comfort in seeing this topic shown in a series - they will feel less alone.

This series can appeal to a range of different audiences as it shows many different life situations - having autism, questioning sexuality, affairs.

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