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Audience appeals

ava haddon

The advert I have chosen is for Pantene hair products. The Advert features Selena Gomez, well known singer and actor. Selena Gomez is loved and admired by many as she struggles with a rare disease, known as lupus, yet still manages to live her life and openly shares her experiences and struggles to be real with her fans and help support those who struggle with the same disease to make them feel less alone; she also is known for her constant and unwavering kindness and, and for this she is an icon to fans setting a good example for young girls about body image and self confidence. The background of the model of the advert would make it appeal to mainstreamers as the audience are looking for familiarity and shared experiences and also a product they can trust, which is perfect for a Pantene advert as this is a well know and widely used brand. The advert utilises Selena's smooth and silky hair to promote their hair care products as proof that it helps nourish and preserve your hair. The written code of 'strong is beautiful' may relate to the fact that Selena Gomez is a strong individual who has to endure a lot in her daily life and is someone who constantly struggles everyday. It promotes the ideology that this hair care product helps people to feel empowered. There is a smaller written code which states 'strong is beautiful' this implies that this product will make you beautiful and for this reason it would attract the aspires as they are looking for products that help them fit in with other people and to help them feel good about themselves. The image of Selena paints her in a positive light, radiant and glowing with amazing hair and with an over joyed and happy expression; this really helps to sell the product as the ideology promoted through this is that you will feel and look the same.

The second media product I have chosen is a Harry Potter poster. Harry Potter is an extremely popular and well know movie franchise with a series of 8 films in total. The Harry potter films are targeted at a range of audiences, the earlier films appeal to children as it is light-hearted and nostalgic and, for many, a childhood favourite, however as the films progress they become deeper in meaning and darker in content and would appeal to older audiences. The poster has the written code of 'nowhere is safe' this builds suspense and anticipation for the film and leaves the audience desperate to know what this Harry Potter film has to offer. It is a poster for the deathly hallows part 1 and the film name it's self intrigues and entices the audience. This could appeal to explorers as they look for alternative experiences, and this film is a turning point in the series making it the darkest and deepest one yet which would also challenge the normal conventions and may make them think. The films are filled with action and would appeal to this audience as they want to feel the thrill this film will bring. This poster would also appeal to mainstreamers as they look for familiarity and a product they can trust. This film series definitely creates that sense of familiarity and trust as each film remains consistent in it's ability to excite the audience.


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