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Audience Appeals

Writer: Nick SawardNick Saward

The 2014 Sainsburys advert depicts the remarkable true story of real events that took place on Christmas Day in 1914, during World War I. On that day soldiers on both sides of the conflict downed their weapons, emerged from their trenches and exchanged seasonal songs and even gifts. The message of the advert is that is Christmas is a special time that is not just about food and drink but sharing and coming together. The target audience for this advert would be explorers. These are people who seek difference in adverts and want something out of the ordinary. This advert offers this as it tells the story of a real life event and allows the audience to indulge in the emotional telling of a historical moment, which is unlike any other Christmas advert we have seen. Sainsburys tried something different, which is what these types of people seek out and also this advert was viewed as disrespectful by some, meaning the brand took a big leap with this advertisement. Furthermore, I think the target audience would be the older generation who have a greater understanding of this moment in history and would be able to connect to the storytelling created in this ad. This advertisement is also very emotional as it not only tells a touching story that many would enjoy watching but the addition of the emotional soundtrack is what makes this advert special for its audience.

This is a 2013 vogue magazine featuring Beyoncé on the front cover. The target audience for this would be aspirers. These are materialistic, inquisitive people who believe an attractive pack is as important them as its contents. Their core need in life is for status. This magazine cover would immediately appeal to these types of people for various reasons. Firstly, it is featuring a huge celebrity on the front that the majority of women would recognise as she is extremely well known. Furthermore, she is recognised as a very attractive woman in todays society and so women looking at her on the front cover would be compelled to buy something with a woman that many aspirers would look up to due to her high status and looks. Also the magazine appeals to these people as their main appeals are fashion, big-name brands, and the appearance of both themselves, and others around them and the small advertisements surrounding the image of Beyoncé all comply to these needs. Additionally, this would also appeal to the mainstreamers as they would straight away be able to see the celebrity on the page, and the Vogue logo at the top, and recognise that this is both a famous and trusted brand, if they're able to get these high status celebrities to use for their front pages.


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