22 year old Beatrice Laus, known by her professional name beabadoobee, is a Filipino-British indie rock singer. She is signed to Dirty Hit, an independent record label.
Many of her songs are about relationships from a females point of view which would target women in their late teens up to late 20s due to her still only being young too and not having as much as experience. It may also appeal to woman from The Philippines and around surrounding countries as they have someone to look up to and aspire to be like because she is a rising talent in the music industry and in a genre that has been male dominated in the past.
music video
Talk is a single from beabadoobee's recent album Beatopia. Like quite a few of her music videos talk doesn't really include a narrative. It is more of a performance music video. It features her and her band on a stage with a very simplistic white background and what seems to be mushrooms surrounding them. It is very conventional of a music video featuring medium shots and long shots capturing the artist and her band's talent playing their instruments and lip synching. It is shot in the same location throughout which makes it seem quite simplistic and perhaps more low budget.
The singer herself is in a sliver glitter dress which makes her stand out, there are high angle shots but she is on a stage so it still makes her seem powerful, however there are no shots in the video where she is alone perhaps suggesting she doesn't think she is better than anyone and doesn't let the success get to her. The massive group of people create a sense of community because they're all so close. Their dancing and genuine smiles makes it seem like a lot of fun and makes the audience enjoy the video too. The people are from all different backgrounds which makes the video seem very inclusive which would appeal to so many people. The song itself was inspired by 2000s pop rock so people in their 30s - early 40s may enjoy this too as they would have grown up with that type of music.
It does feel quite conventional of an alternative video in some ways, she has dark eyeshadow and eyeliner which makes her seem quite grungy and she is crowd surfing too and some of the people in the background who dress quite boldly supports this.

Dork magazine is a UK based music publication which is all about new and current music and artists and features upcoming singers too. It would appeal to people who are massive music fans and are interested in different types of genres. The word 'Dork is in bold yellow capital lettering and takes up about 20% of the front cover showing their significance and that the brand name is just as important as the artist. In comparison Bea gets a very small amount of attention as her name is in lower case and in a tiny font which might be because people already know who she is and doesn't need as much attention so the attention has been given to the album name which is much bigger and is across the cover. The font for 'Beatopia' is in the same font that is used for the album, the rest of the magazine seems quite serious, but the font is quite fun with the top of the 'i' being a love heart showing that the magazine respects the artist as it's promoting the album she made and put a lot of effort into.
The front cover is quite typical of a music magazine as it just has Beabadoobee on the front as the main image and includes the album name in her font which would appeal to her fans as it's easily recognisable. She's in her iconic makeup and looks stereotypically attractive and her clothing does bring attention to her chest as her skin is on show. Van Zoonen says that women's bodies to be looked at is a core element of western patriarchal culture however she isn't really sexualised so it might not truly support her point.

Her double page spread in Dork is also conventional of a magazine, It features more shots of her and includes medium shots of her in this and the rest of the page is an interview. It also includes a bigger quote to draw attention to what the interview will be like. The quote acts as an enigma code, the word 'insane' has negative connotations and suggests someone is going crazy and needs help however its followed up in 'the best possible way' which may make the audience question what she means. It may even encourage the audience to read on to get answers to what happened.
It isn't stereotypical of a magazine interview, the conversation is instead led by the artist herself and there's no questions to follow strictly. The interview feels a lot more serious as it is very long and detailed and the layout of the magazine reinforces this through the use of the images and how serious she seems looking directly into the camera with her mouth closed in two of the images. It includes topics of her last album, the transition and writing process of the new album and the release of the new album which is what readers would expect to see from a music magazine like this.