What is Social Enterprise?:
A social enterprise, is a business model which is set up to create social/political change. Like all businesses, they aim to make a profit. They are separate from traditional businesses due to what they do with said profit, they usually reinvest their money or donate it to someone or something that will impact social change.

Big Issue as a Social enterprise: The Big Issue is a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to supporting and creating work opportunities for homeless, marginalised and disadvantaged people. They are best known for their fortnightly, independent magazine, which is sold on the streets by vendors. They have a unique business model that aims to improve the living quality of the homeless. They first sell their issues to the potential vendors for half the cover price for them to then sell to the general public on the street for its normal price leading to them making profit to buy more to sell whilst keeping profits to help their living condition after.
Pros Of A Social Enterprise:
Making a social impact, Chances of receiving grants, Employment opportunities, Tax deductions.
Cons Of A Social Enterprise:
Limit on revenue generation, Competition with corporates, Strict rules and regulations, Constant monitoring.