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Film Review: Inside Out

2015 Pixar

The Pixar movie Inside Out is about a young girl named Riley with a brief section showing her growing up until age 11 where she goes through a challenging situation with her parents where they move house and she is finding it difficult to fit in to their new location. The film has a narrator over it voiced by one of the characters called Joy. The film is mainly located within Riley`s mind where her emotions are personified and they decide how she reacts to different situations; these characters themselves go on a journey at the same time as Riley and learn the movies key moral that it is ok to be sad sometimes as it can help in some situations instead of pushing the sadness away. Another aspect of the movie is seeing other adult characters personified feelings reacting to her behaviour. This is an animated film targeted towards all ages: it is good for younger children as it is engaging especially with the character Bing Bong and it teaches them about emotions, teenagers because they can relate to Riley`s character and the issues she is facing and how she reacts and this is good for adults as they can relate to her parents as well as being able to understand children more and why they might do certain things.

Psychology is a key aspect of the movie as it shows a working demonstration of the Multi-Store Model of Memory in which the stimuli; what Riley is going through, either goes into short term memory and later decays as it is not needed, long term memory where it is stored in the mind for a long time and might never decay and also the procedural side of long term memory where it creates aspects of our personality and is triggered when outside stimuli are to do with the skill and individual meaning. This shows a more mature and intellectual approach by Pixar towards this movie and shares an understanding with people as to how our memory works.

The music used by Pixar is often calming and this is to appeal to the audiences need for security and makes them feel calm, some sections it changes to show the more urgent times that could be dangerous or important to the plot; e.g. a scene in which Riley is about to make a big mistake because she cannot cope with the situation. It engages with the audiences emotions and gives suspense.

This movie shows the journey within ourselves that we all have to go on at some point and can help people understand and realise how to deal with it. Direct address is used by the narrator to talk to the audience which feels personal and is interesting to an audience; the line "do you ever look at someone and wonder what's going on inside their head" at the start of the movie intrigues people to want to find out what the answer is because they can relate to wanting to know that. As well as this the variety of characters and colours is stimulating to an audience and sticks to Pixars well known branding with their other family fills such as Finding Nemo and monsters inc. .

In my opinion this movie does well to develop peoples knowledge and intrigue people and is enjoyable, it also has an important message that is memorable within the characters and scenes. It can also be watched and understood by an audience as it has visual and audio stimuli and is easy to understand.

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