Released on May 5th 2017, we saw the much awaited, second volume of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Directed by James Gunn, well known for the first film of Guardians of the Galaxy and others such as The Belko Experiment or Suicide Squad 2, we get to enjoy the return of fan favourite characters such as Groot, Rocket and Drax. Including elements of comedy, action and adventure, the Guardians begin to struggle to work together as a team while dealing with their personal family issues. Initially, the Guardians are hired by a powerful alien race, the Sovereign, in order to save and protect their valuable batteries from invaders. When it is discovered that Rocket has stolen the batteries, the Sovereign dispatch their armada to search for vengeance.
There was a lot of hype around this film upon release, which scared me because I did truly enjoy the first one and feared there was a chance it wouldn't be as great as the first. Fortunately, however, this did not leave me disappointed and to this day remains within the top 3 of my Marvel favourites.
A particular scene I liked was the introduction. Whilst this is technically an action scene, most of its duration of the action, is strictly an afterthought. As nearly all of the Guardians battle the tentacular horror in the background. We find their smallest member, Baby Groot (the twig-like character re-creation of the first film's friendly giant), is hooking up some equipment in the foreground as the fight begins behind him. What is he actually fiddling with? Will this help the fight?
Of course not. Instead its a radio, and no sooner after it is plugged, we hear the Electric Light Orchestra’s pop song “Mr. Blue Sky” commencing forth in all its whimsical excitement. We’re invited to the overwhelmingly adorable view of Baby Groot dancing his way through the opening credits. Here is a great example of deflation of the typical "time to save the world" storyline that has grown very common within the superhero genre. Whilst the Guardians deal with the latest threat to all humanity and life over there; we’re going to remain here and dance to some old time songs.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2, also had high expectations with its soundtrack, as the first movie brought songs such as Cherry Bomb by The Runnaways and I Want You Back by The Jackson 5. Whilst my preference is still Vol 1's soundtrack, Vol 2 still gave us My Sweet Lord by George Harrison, Mr Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra and Surrender by Cheap Trick.
This film is definitely worth a watch if you're interested in down to earth, loveable characters and action films. But, i recommend watching Vol 1 first, if you haven't already.