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Judith Butler's Queer Theory

There are a wide variety of different media texts which reinforce gender norms which we experience in our everyday lives. We come across many of these in our everyday lives and these can be things which go by unnoticed because they have become so normalised, for example if you go to a local supermarket and look down the toy aisle it will be clear to see the aimed gender of that toy, the boys being blue and girls being pink.

An example of an advertisement which reinforces gender norms is this Mr Clean ad which was featured in a newspaper. The copy reads 'This Mothers Day. Get back to the job that really matters.' Which suggests that it is trying to imply that this would be a good gift to give your wife or girlfriend and reinforces outdated stereotypes such as women should be a stay at home mum and do all the washing and cleaning ext. Furthermore, considering the advertisement uses an image of a mother and daughter rather than a mother and son suggests that it is a job which girls need to be taught for when they are older however, boys don't need to know how to clean, that's what they have wives for.

However, one example of a TV show which subverts the idea of gender norms is RU Pauls Drag Race. This show is all about embracing who you are and not having to hide your true self, it subverts expectations as it shows men who are typically shown as masculine, active, brave and tough etc dressing up in drag, wearing typically feminine clothing and high heels as well as wearing makeup. All of these challenge typical representations as women are usually the primary target audience for such products as makeup and dresses/heels however they show that men can wear whatever they like to also.


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