media that reinforces traditional gender norms & gender roles
media that reinforces traditional gender roles will incorporate the idea that men are supposed to be strong and dominant and women to be submissive and dainty this is presented within media products such as Grease, pillow talk the music video, and many adverts from such high street brands like dolce and gabbana.
within these media products, they are constructed as if the male is the domineering figure and the woman's job is to stand and look pretty. for example within pillow talk the music video, the women presented within the video are dressed in barely, if any clothes at all whereas the singer, songwriter Zayn Malik is always presented fully clothed in smart attire as if he is more important and worthy than women in general. the whole song is situated towards the sexualisation of women presenting images of women naked with only floral patterns covering their private parts. to me, this is disrespectful as way of presenting women as they are presented as objects to be admired and not to be respected.
media texts which challenge traditional expectations of gender and present alternative ideologies.
media texts which challenge traditional expectations of gender and present alternative ideologies will incorporate the idea that men and women are able to act and dress the way they want due to the lack of stereotypes modern media presents in relation to masculinity and femininity roles this is presented within media products such as call the midwife, Rupaul's drag race, and Dance moms ( the male dancers).
dance moms the tv show challenges traditional expectations of gender and it presents alternative ideologies as it presents male dancers for example, Gino Emilio Cosculluela shows the fans of the show that male dancers can also be beautiful and elegant and not have to be considered strong or "macho". his father also challenges stereotypes as he is the only male within the waiting room with the other mothers. most mothers within the waiting room criticised his father throughout the season of the show for not bringing his child up to be domineering "as males should be".