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Life Changer: Legally Blonde

Media Bloggers

The 2001 film, 'Legally Blonde', starts with a young fashioning merchandising sorority girl, Elle Woods, who is expecting her boyfriend, Warner Huntington III to propose to her, but instead he breaks up with her as he's intending to become a senator in future years, stating that Elle is not 'serious' enough for that life. Elle becomes motivated to 'win him back' by showing Warner she is capable of that life, she studies for countless months and ends up scoring a 179 on the 'Law School Admission Test' with a 4.0 GPA. Elle is accepted into Harvard Law School ready to prove to her ex-boyfriend her power and in hope to get him back.

As the movie goes on, Elle still tries to get Warner's attention with studying constantly and trying to impress him, but he always seems to downgrade her with stating to her "you're just not smart enough, sweetie" when she implies that she's going to get into the Law internship next year. Even though they sat the same LSATs and taking the same classes Warner believes he's a lot smarter than Elle because of his family line connections with being a successful senator. Elle replies with "I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I?" demonstrating that when people love someone so much, they'll do whatever it takes to win them back. This specific scene would remind people who have had similar situations in the past to know the feeling when a loved one is underestimating you and doesn't see how capable you really are, making them feel a lot of sympathy for Elle and understands her pain.

However, as time continues, Elle loses interest in Warner and becomes more focused on herself and studies realising she doesn't need a man in her life. At the end of the movie, Warner confesses his love to Elle after she wins her trial, but, she declines calling him a 'bonehead'.

I believe this movie has 'changed my life' because of the strong independency the character Elle portrays, her determination is a powerful characteristic which has motivated myself in many ways. She proves how you don't need anyone but yourself in life, especially men, and how important it is to not 'lose yourself' after a breakup. Even when Elle is going through a hard-time in Law School, with people judging her and her 'overdressed' outfits, she always stays nice to people even to those who don't deserve it, showing her loyalty. With this as well, Elle can motivate others with her passive to study with a scene of her exercising and also studying at the same time, balancing the best of both worlds. She is the perfect example of how there is no such things as excuses and gets everything done for herself and only herself. Reese Witherspoon, who plays Elle Woods, does an excellent job of playing Elle and her character can be seen as a 'role model' to young boys and girls who want to succeed in school and be a better version of theirselves as well.


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