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media diary week 3: the life changer

Though many texts have changed my life in different ways being a fan of tv and film, nothing has had such a profound effect on me as Martin Scorsese's The Irishman. I have been a massive fan of the work of the director for years and I respect the mans craft with his movies such as goodfellas, casino, ect so you could imagine my excitement when awaiting Scorsacie reuniting with Robert DeNiro and Joe Pechi. Due to the film being a Netflix original, it was only given a limited cinema release so on 15th November 2019 my auntie and I went to HOME cinema in Manchester and what I experienced I was not prepared for.

In previous years I have been a member of the catholic church and whilest I wasn't strict I still had a decent faith in god. However in recent years I had lapsed, infact I have only attended church 5 times in the past 2 years. My loss of faith was due to many factors including lack of answers and dissalusuinment with the institution of the church after 2 former parish priests of mine where found guilty of child sex offenses.

I went into the Irishman expecting your classic MS gangseter flick and for much of the movie that was what I got. However after the assastination of Jimmy Hoffa the film takes a much more mature and spiritual turn. We quickly progress thoroghout the years as all Frank's (DeNiro's) friends die or are imprisioned. Even his family want nothing to do with him. frank is seen alone and infirm in an old folks home. He is seen trying to reconnect with his family but fails. It becomes evident from dineros performance and the scene with him confessing to a preist, that the guilt of killing his best friend has him fearing he will go to hell. DeNiro sells this scene in possibly his best ever performance. After this it hit me. Was I a bad person? Am I going to hell? It dawned on me that as a catholic I was neglecting my deuty to confess. I am now getting back in touch with my spiritual side and this is thanks to scorsasie as had I not watched the Irishman I probably would never have come to that realisation.


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