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Music Marketing: Oliver Tree

Writer: Nick SawardNick Saward

Oliver Tree is a singer/song writer who gained fame and success through the internet and gained a giant fan base fairly quick, this is due to Oliver being an artist portraying real life experiences through his lyrics but tells these through a satirical scope as he uses what many would call a character, this is identified by the iconography of his bowl hair cut, jacket and sunglasses, its is rare to find Oliver out of character while wearing this attire.

he doesn't take him self seriously and the character is known to be easy to anger or annoy and is narcissistic in ways, this is shown clearly in interviews such the H3 Podcast and in an interview with Antony Fantano, with both h3h3 and Fantano having huge success on YouTube it makes sense that Tree holds interviews with people in this sphere due to his own initial internet virality even as he creeped further into the mainstream.

he earned 150 million streams in 2019, and being so close to his debut this is a rarity in the music industry, no longer is he just addressed by people in touch with the internet but by huge corporations and magazines such as MTV and the Rolling stone magazine, and has even performed on late night shows such as The Late Late Show With James Cordon and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. from this it is show his target audience has a big range but i would say it mostly consists of late teens to 20's.

"Hurt" is among one of his most famous songs and is famous for having such a huge cost ($1,024,000) this is so the video could reflect his outlandish nature, seen through eccentric clothing, and bizarre shots such as his decapitated head singing and him being crucified on a scooter which is a reference to his life of professional scooter racing of which the video was based off an injury he sustained while riding his scooter, breaking both his wrists.

due to this Tree has appeared on the front cover of Scoot-Mag, once again wearing his iconic clothing. he is shot in centre and is the focus of the front cover as even the print is minimal which further exaggerates how his character and personality will attract an audience.


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