Sabrina Carpenter is a singer songwriter and actress who's music is predominantly pop, with influences from dance and indie pop as well as R&B. Her songs are very relatable and catchy, and her most recent album short ‘n sweet broke records by making her the first female singer to have her album and a song at number one simultaneously in the UK. Her image and brand as an artist is very wholesome, being very playful and and relatable. Her songs are usually themed around love, breakups and relationships. She is very fashionable often using pastel colours and very feminine glam looks and experimenting always. Her audience is predominantly younger audiences ranging form around 14-35, as her first role in the spotlight was in the main cast of a Disney channel show and she is very active on social media. However, her relatable lyrics catchy music and popularity make it so anyone can enjoy her music. Carpenter is signed with island records, who are a subsidiary of universal music group. They have many other artists on their label such as Demi Lovato, Bon Jovi, The Killers, Chappel Roan and Shawn Mendez.
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Taste by Sabrina Carpenter is a unique music video with a playful narrative. The video is based around carpenter/her character and her ex boyfriends new girlfriend (Jenna Ortega) wanting to kill each other in a comedic almost cartoonish fashion. They chase each other around using chainsaws and big knives and even use voodoo dolls at one point. The video concludes with the girls in their rivalry accidentally killing the boyfriend/ex and becoming friends. The video itself has a great moral for Sabrina’s younger audience, showing that friendship is more important than fighting over a partner. The comical ways in which the girls try to kill each other is almost reflective of how silly it is to fight over a boy. The mise-en-scene is very typical and fits well with Carpenters branding. Everything is very bright clean and pastel, and the contrast of the violence and weaponry with her clean bright aesthetic also makes the video very funny and satirical. The representation of women as strong main characters is very positive in this music video. The boyfriend character despite being the reason for the conflict Is very much unimportant in the music video, and it is rather more focused on Carpenters and Ortegas characters. Overall the videos theme of a playful rivalry between strong female characters is a great representation of the lighthearted and feminist nature of Sabrina Carpenters brand.
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–Sabrina carpenters website is a cute and playful yet functional way of having all of your branding in one place! Carpenters front page uses a full sized professional image of Sabrina Carpenter in her usually pastel outfit, with a table contents on the left and a nice little logo in the top right with the initials SC in it. Her table of contents features all the necessary features fans would want in a website, from music to a merch shop to a way for fans to sign up to emails, ect. The front page also includes a line down the middle separating two sides as if its supposed to be a magazine or newspaper.
This magazine/newspaper theme is continued in all of her pages, including the music page. The music page also features little mock adverts on the sides with all of carpenters brightly coloured album/single covers in the middle with links to stream or download them. The playful mock-newspaper setup used in the website is in very Sabrina Carpenter fashion, bright and humorous in a silly way. Sabrina carpenters brand of self expression and femininity is also very prominent within these web pages.