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podcast review: Whittatainment(Hello to Jason Issacs)

As a film fan residing in the uk, my week wouldn't be complete without listening to Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's film review, more commonly known as whittatainment. The show is originally broadcast on radio 5 live on a Friday afternoon from 2 till 4. This is then released as a podcast on a Saturday.

The show is officially hosted by Simon Mayo with Kermode unofficially co hosting. each week they review the weeks cinema releases and discuss film in general. Each week Kermode picks a tv movie of the week from the tv guide.

The shows style is very informal with its banter between the hosts being reminiscent of Siskel and Ebert and there film review television show that aired during the 70s and well up to gene siskels death in 1999 from a brain tumour. Kermode offers very insightful opinions, putting his PHD in film to good use whereas mayo offers a more every man type of opinion.

On the show each week a celebrity guest is interviewed by mayo, The guest is usually on promoting an upcoming release. I enjoy the show also because of its interaction with its cult fan base and constant Injokes for fans, Kermode and Mayo both regularly read tweets from fans.

Personally I have never had anything read out however a friend of mine had an email read out back in October (on my birthday of all days!!), needless to say I was jealous. I digress. In conclusion I would thoroughly recommend the podcast or radio show to anyone who is a fan of cinema in the uk.

The show is also uploaded in segments on kermodes You Tube page.


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