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political context of black panther.

Updated: Dec 5, 2019

Barack Obama helped many minority group excellence and not conform to the negative stereotypes that they were perceived as. Under President Obama’s watch, there was an emphasis on black males. In February 2014, the president introduced My Brother’s Keeper, to specifically focus on improving the lives of young African American males. The initiative is encouraging nonprofits to raise $200 million in five years for programs focused on young men of colour. Though My Brother’s Keeper is not a federally-funded government program, no such effort has existed before under any American president. President Obama is said to be planning to make My Brother’s Keeper a major policy before he leaves office.

Obama was known for helping minority groups, Trump is known for not helping minority groups that need help such as Mexicans that come over the border illegally. He said, "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people". Instead of helping them and letting them in the country, Donald Trump has recently signed a contract for $400 million contract for a wall to be built between the United States and Mexico to stop illegals from entering without consent.

President Trump withdrew policy guidelines that encouraged the consideration of race in college admissions. the guidelines encourage colleges to voluntarily promote diversity and "avoid racial isolation" in their admissions practices. the trump justice department has already withdrawn two policies documents related to colleges enforcement titles.


Despite many of these racist claims, some of the minority groups actually support Trump and his enforcements. for example there is a large selections of the Latino community, by 2020 there will be an estimated 32 million Latinos who are allowed to vote. 13.3% of those Latinos would support Trump in the 2020 election. this contradicts the previous views of Trump not supporting the minority groups, Trump needs those Latinos votes to get an edge on whoever is running up to be President. However, Trump always slanders the Latinos: Trump declared that Mexico is “not sending their best” but ridding itself of those who are “bringing drugs…bringing crime,” labeled Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, promised to deport “bad hombres,” praised the 1954 mass deportation program called "Operation Wetback," promised a “deportation force,” and attacked the integrity of U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel — a U.S.-born citizen of Mexican descent — by questioning whether Curiel could fairly adjudicate a lawsuit against Trump University because, “He’s a Mexican.”

Almost 11 million Latinos voted for Obama when he was running for President they favoured his because he did not slander them and call them names. But promised them facilities, affordable and accessible health care to everyone, which is why he was so favoured in the African American communities and the Latino communities. Obama was so loved because he enforced that everyone should be the same and get the same as each other, something that Trump does not do, he does the opposite.


Some of Donald Trump's schemes could however work out for the better. President Trump promised to lower prescription drug costs and to repeal Obamacare. Although he hasn't been successful in repealing the Affordable care act, he has weakened it considerably. this means that America's pharmaceutical industry werre allowed to purchase drugs abroad and get them for cheaper, as well as negotiation the prices to benefit the managers and producers of the pharmacy. This is one change he made that many people agree with and actually benefits the industries.

The Trump administration has taken many steps to weaken the ACA even without repealing and replacing it. But it hasn't worked. As of the first quarter of 2018, insurers reported better financial performance than at any time since the ACA was enacted. They've only requested modest premium increases. Enrollment has remained steady. this is evidence that Trump is trying to squash anything Obama did and to replace them with his ideologies, however, The congressional budget office estimates Trump's move to stop reimbursements will cost the government at least $194 billion over the next 10 years. As Trump stated in his October 2017 executive order, he wants to allow short-term policies to last up to a year. The Obama administration capped them at 90 days. Short-term plans cost less but don’t offer as many benefits. Since these plans are attractive to young, healthy people, the change will likely cause a rise in premiums for comprehensive plans. this means that Trump will get more support but it will be less beneficial to those who buy it. Whereas obama considered that it would be better to use long term policies as it is more beneficial to people in the long run.

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