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Queer Theory

Reinforce Representations

The Simpsons is a show that has generic masculine and feminine representations. The father, Homer, acts up to a masculine Father stereotype. He is the worker of the house and he is also lazy and likes to drink beer on the couch whilst watching his favourite sports team.

Marge, the mother, does domestic tasks in the house and, pretty much, has to single handedly raise her children.

In the movie for Iron Man, Tony Stark is a self titled "Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist." This pretty much means is is a successful Businessman who is a hit with ladies, despite not really being a fan of relationships. His love interest in the movie, Pepper Potts, has a job as Stark's secretary, a stereotypical female job.

Challenges stereotypes

The movie marriage story challenges the stereotypes of a nuclear family. The Father,Charlie, struggles during a divorce with his wife,Nicole. Nicole manages to take control of the divorce, with Charlie beiing the only one who is visually mentally struggling with the situation. This is challenging stereotypes as the male character is usually the mentally stronger character with the female usually being the character not being as 'manipulative' for lack of a better term.


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