Queer Theory is the idea that there is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender and that it is isn't necessarily a performance, but that we do it subconsciously. As well as this it suggests that the divide between masculinity and femininity is a social construction built on the divide between men and women.
media that reinforces traditional gender norms & gender roles
Television reflects and represents American culture to the audience, and sitcoms are one of the major instrument by which dominant ideologies about gender are circulated. Modern Family, claims to resists traditional gender portrayal, uses systems of representation to construct meanings and reproduce knowledge about gender through normalization. Modern Family engages in social change, where characters and the way they interact do resist traditional gender discourses, the show still relies on stereotypes and patriarchic discourses of gender and family dynamics. Moreover, the normalizing power in Modern family is realized through stereotypical representations of difference and subordinating everyone who does not fit to the norm, dividing between the normal and the abnormal, insiders and outsiders, which further reinforces and naturalizes traditional discourses of gender, sexuality and race. This influences the audience and therefore adds to the social construction of gender norms and roles.

media texts which challenge traditional expectations of gender and present alternative ideologies.

Female ‘superheroes’ have now been introduced on a larger scale in a genre that has long been dominated by men . It is the start gender equity in superhero films as women are no longer represented as helpless damsels in distress who waits to be rescued by princes. Instead, the true representation of strong, independent female superheroes who along with their enviable expertise in high-tech warfare also possess scathing intelligence – a quality that has historically been denied to women.
Most of the movies that break gender stereotypes are not targeted at a young age however, this super hero movie is trageted at a wider target audience, therefor, influencing more people. This can result in more people being open minded and not having any prejudices present in the previous generations. it Is important for the younger generation to be positively influenced as they are specially keyed into specific gender messages that can affect the way they think about themselves and view others.
i agree with the point you made about modern family and their representation of the family life ad how it does rely on traditional stereotypes with characters such as alex as a nerd, Cam as a flamboyant gay and gloria as an over exaggerated latina. the representation you have explored in regards to the tv show itself fits with the themes and characters well.
well done ella xoxo