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representation of people of colour

Writer: Nick SawardNick Saward

This newspaper article demonstrates a very negative article on migrants that come to England.

In this article the main dominant header states 'Non-brits have nicked all jobs'. We are immediately drawn by the big, bold, capitalized letters of this statement. This makes us believe that this information is important and factual.

Not only the way the copy has been set out to draw attention another main factor is the use of language. Such as 'nicked' which usually describes the act of someone who is doing criminal activity. Therefore as we read that word we are already set to have a negative view to migrants as that is what the newspaper is telling us to do subtly.

Also, if we were to look at Stuart Hall's theory that we all have 'shared conceptual roadmap' using this I think there is a huge stereotype that migrants steal jobs off of people who live in that country. This newspaper in particular has therefore taken something that is already a negative stereotype about migrants and expanded on it as they know people are all ready aware of this so they are more likely to believe it.

Also the main part of the page which is, the picture. In this picture you can see lots of people in a line, which we can guess is for the dole as it has information about the dole in the top right hand corner, in the line the one black person is at the front whereas all the white people are behind them. So this article to trying to show that migrants will have more opportunities and therefore steal your jobs. The article also has at the bottom left corner of the photograph a question of 'are immigrants stealing jobs?' and the answers of yes and no have numbers you can dial to confirm your thoughts. However, the target audience and people more likely to read this article are probably people who agree with this statement. This means that the results will be in favour of people who think immigrants are stealing jobs or they have been fear mongered into believing immigrants are stealing jobs.

Too add to this I think that Claude Levi Strauss's theory of binary oppositions can be used to find the ideology of this newspaper. As it appears the objective is to have the binary opposites of people who are from UK vs immigrants. This is to have a negative stereotype on immigrants.

Within this year of 2020 a lot of protests have happened for the black lives matter movement. The movement has finally gave people a voice to talk about the inequality that black people have.

However, this article presents the protestors for black lives matter as in their words 'lawless and reckless.' The word 'reckless' implying that they don't care therefore are trying to presented the protestors as just wanting to cause trouble. Instead of talking about the positivity of the movement or why they did this.

The photographs used as well try's to support the statement of the black lives matter protestors being reckless as they are showing them in getting rid of the statue.

However, if we think about Paul Gilroy's theory that Britain has an airbrushed version of colonial history, this could be evident within the text. As the article appears to be sad that Winston Churchills statue was pulled down even though he was racist. So why is this being airbrushed. For a movement that wants people to take responsibility and give them the equality they deserve, couldn't this article start by addressing that this was for a good reasoning and stop acting like it is the protestors who are in the wrong.

Therefore this article is not presenting black lives matter as this amazing movement and how great it is that people are finally speaking up against white supremacy. Instead they are criticizing them for a statue.

1 Comment

Nick Saward
Nick Saward
Oct 24, 2020

Some amazing points made here - particularly the application of theory. Citing Gilroy in this context is spot on. The BLM movement has made the public answer some difficult questions about people often revered in the past. Tabloid newspapers tend to like it when issues are binary - this story requires a nuanced telling which is clearly beyond the Mail!

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