The Newspaper shown is clearly Pro Iraqu war. It calls out against Sadam Husain for him to be hanged. The phrase bastard is used in the headline. this is not only a vulger headline but to the more right wing readership of the sun bastard has extreamly negative connoattions. Compearing Sadam to these prople makes it feel as if sadams evil is more personal to the british people when in reality this is unlikey. The article shows two images of the dictator, one when captured and another when beaten, this makes the man seem weak, pathetic and incapable of runnimg a country.This has been done to sell an unpopular war to the readership when it became evident to the uk government that many opposed the iraqui war.

Unlike The sun, the mirror was clearly opposed to the war as evidenced by this headline telling Blair, that Britain does not agree with his war. Your on your own clearly states the message to Balir. The composition of the page with an everyman style protester situated in the forground with a backdrop of hundreds of peace protesters, this really creates the feel of a united Britain against Blair and his war.