In a modern day and age, there are a variety of debates about veganism and whether it is for the greater good or not. The number of U.S consumers identifying as vegan has increased from 1% to 6% between 2014 and 2017. This is a 600% increase according to Global Data. But, despite the dramatic increase in people changing to the vegan diet, we want to see how different media products advertise and view the diet.
This advertisement on the back of a bus was a part of a campaign in Sydney to promote veganism. It urges the public that the diet is a great idea by making their ideology seem as though it is common sense and discourages audiences from having an oppositional reading. Through using a puppy and a piglet the adverti is attem to appeal to its audience by challen their view on what is right or wrong, since there is no reason why people should choose one to be a pet and one as food.

However, not all media texts which surround the topic of veganism are positive. This website talks about all of the reasons why becoming vegan is a bad idea -
within the article, she talks about how she is a ‘former vegan’ and all of the problems the diet enables such as higher risk of depression aswell as anemia. this article acts as a warning symbol to anybody looking into becoming vegan and is offputting since it highlights all potential risks.