The notebook is a romance film released on the 25th of June 2004 written by Nicholas Sparks and directed by Nick Cassavetes; based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Nicholas sparks. The film follows the story of Allie and Noah who are a young couple who fall in love in the 1940s. Their story is read from a notebook in the present day by an elderly man to a resident in a nursing home. We see the couple in the urgency of young romance and we get to experience their heartfelt love story through our screens. The plot is gripping and an emotional roller-coaster as the pair face the many challenges that come with their relationship and the difference in their social class. Allie and Noah break up and spend 7 years apart and in this time Allie is engaged to another man before re-kindling their flame when Allie sees a picture of Noah in the paper posing with the house he built for Allie (her dream house). The couple reunite and spend the rest of their lives together as we learn when it is revealed that the old man reading this story from the notebook is Noah and the patient he is reading to is Allie, who has developed Alzheimer's and no longer remembers their love story. It makes for an emotional ending when there is a brief moment of remembrance from Allie and the pair share a heartfelt moment together. The film ends with Allie and Noah passing away in each others embrace which represents the message that their love can create miracles and that their love was too strong they couldn't live without one and other therefore they where taken at the same time.
The young lovers are played by Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams and as old people they are played by James Garner and Gena Rowlands. Their performances are suited to the material, respecting and perfectly portraying the passion at the beginning and the sentiment at the end creating an emotional film.
In conclusion I feel this film is very cleverly made and directed with a good plot twist and a very gripping and emotional storyline.