The TV show 'The O.C.' released in 2003, is about a young teenage boy from Chino, California whose life changes forever after lawyer, Sandy Cohen, adopts 16 year old Ryan Atwood. His new life is set in Newport beach, just off the coast in Orange County, California. The show features life around adolescence and the struggles of adulthood as well, regarding divorce, affairs, drug use, sex and violence.
The use of these dramatic actions in show create suspense for the audience, making them wanting to carry on and watch the next episode as soon as possible. As during the early 2000s as well, there was a lot more scandalous acts in the media of celebrities, whether that is regarding alcohol addictions, arrests, prison sentences or wardrobe malfunctions. All of these aspects had individuals on 'the edge of their seat', wanting to know more about every story. So, the television show 'The O.C.' really captures these popular media acts and puts it all into one show. As well as this, the show could also be reflecting on the early 2000s with all the drama that happened with famous men and women throughout the years, as they knew what would be pulling the audience in to watch a show like this.
One of the key features of the TV show 'The O.C' is it representing the consequences of doing wrong acts in life when you know you be 'told off' because of your wrong doing. This is a great example in the TV show, as whenever a character young or old, commits an 'controversial' act, they are always punished, in other words, they always got karma. This could be a reflection on our life as well, and how when we do a bad act in life, it will always come back to us.
The 'Haribo advert' has been increasingly popular over the last recent years because of it's unique approach with the baby voices, and not taking anything seriously, which would be quite contrasting to other adverts.
The use of the 'baby voice' in the ad could create a source of humor to the audience, as nothing is being taking seriously during the whole time. It creates an idea that even though they are police officers and they are supposed to be serious, they can have their moments of fun as well. This could make the watchers find amusing and let them 'loose up a little', as most people with 'serious' jobs always take it too seriously and never find the fun within their job, this could mean this advert could influence people to have a more of a laugh in their job.
In regards to the unique and contrasting approach, it would cause individuals to have a good memory after watching the ad, influencing them to say to people around them 'have you seen that new Haribo advert?' because of it's humor and how different it is to other food adverts. This could cause people to buy the sweets themselves as they'll get the idea that the sweets cause happiness and humor to everyday life.