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Too many ads?

We think we know who the enemies are: banks, big business, lobbyists, the politicians who exist to appease them. But somehow the sector which stitches this system of hypercapitalism together gets overlooked. That seems strange when you consider how pervasive it is. In fact there is barely anywhere you can look to avoid them. It is everywhere, yet we see without seeing, without understanding the role that it plays in our lives.

Advertising claims to enhance our choice, but it offers us little choice about whether we see and hear it, and even less choice about whether we respond to it. With is its intrusiveness and intense manipulation, advertisers always find a trick to get the audience to buy their product. Whether that be beauty advertisements making women feel they 'need' their new and overly priced product in order to be the flawlessly attractive model they see on TV or the companies pressuring men into thinking the new workout CD's is an absolute necessity if they want women to even look at them. Advertising is getting way too pervasive, obnoxious, and intrusive and we aren't even aware of it.

Our whole lives we have been bombarded with companies desperately competing through advertising and we have gotten so used to it, almost blind to it, there for we never realize how they've crossed the line and need to stop. It is definitely physiologically damaging as it has brainwashed us into thinking to always look our best and be up to date on having all the new devices. Banksy has it spot on, advertisement is getting way too much and only getting worse; it needs to stop.

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