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Too many ads?

Adverts over the years have taken different forms that surround everyone, be that from what your wearing, where you are, the virtual space and television ads are everywhere even in places we don‘t notice. yet sort of instinctively we block them out, see them as background noise and pay no mind. But maybe sometimes we should and see the ways ads try to survive in this over saturated and ruthless way of getting products sold

Pop up ads are some of the more, intrusive types of advertising the creator of pop up advertising. Who in the past has said “I'm sorry our intentions were good” when talking about pop up ads does not exactly shine the best light on this form of advertising and in my opinion rightly so as ads like this steal people‘s information like browser history to stranger things like age and gender to make sure ads are getting to people targeted by the ad. they do this through cookies which people blindly agree to let shady websites steal your info and use it for their own nefarious purposes this is why I always use ad block or a VPN but putting aside my hatred for pop up advertising are there any positive implications of this format of advertising? well yes for example it allows small businesses that would have only been able to advertise locally too now be able to get the word out about there products and keep their companies running but the bad completely outweighs the good and is just one of the examples of the ways companies try too intrude on other peoples lives.

companies using this form of advertising are not only fighting the consumer with this type of advertising they are also fighting themselves in the aim to outperform their competitors through trying to spam the customer more than everyone else this has snowballed to obnoxious levels to the point were sites will not let you on them without agreeing to cookies or even straight up stealing


this shows the capitalist greed in society the lengths companies will go just to get a few extra penny’s from someone online for example people will try to bait people to click and sign up to what the add is offering and when they do they will be signed up instantly to thousands of email newsletters and scammers as they target vulnerable people who are not as well versed in the ways of the internet again just to earn a few extra penny’s


Nick Saward
Nick Saward
Mar 19, 2020

This is certainly a feature of the internet that doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon - however, I wonder how effective it is? Adverts that annoy and frustrate people are notoriously bad at converting clicks into customers! Whether it's a good way to gauge interest or even keep tabs on potential audiences is unclear. But at the end of the day, if the money you pay to advertise doesn't come back in revenue then that form of advertising will disappear. I can only assume it must be very cheap because of its ubiquity - I'm just curious about how effective it is?

The other aspect I find fascinating about online advertising is how the greatest trick they ever…


Unknown member
Mar 19, 2020

*thumbs up* idk

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