There are many instances of people pushing or forwarding their political views and agendas throughout the media and through their media creations. Examples of this, consist of music videos, such as Childish Gambiono's this is America, which comments on America's gun laws and even advertisements for supermarkets, with Iceland's political Christmas advert, 'say Hello to Rang-Tan, whcih comments on the use of palm oil and how it devastates landscapes to aquire it.
The example I have chosen however is fairly recent, as Marvel's relaunch of the comic series; 'New Warriors' have caused quite a bit of controversy due to the creators design choices and how he incorporates his own agenda into his work.
The New Warriors comic series, was originally relased in 1989, to compete with the popular groups of the time, being the Avengers and the X-men
The relaunch of the comic series introduces us to a new and younger cast of the Warriors, Trailblazer, Screentime, Snowflake, Safespace and B-Negative.
The main issue of the creators desicions is that the design of the characters and the naming of them are very obviously ideologies that felt to alot of fans of the series to be forced and unnecessery.
These two characters in particular, caused the large amount of dissapointment and controversy towards this comic series. The reason is that the naming of the characters, 'Snowflake' and 'Safespace' are described by the creator as derogitory terms used to offend alot of youth today. (In particular 'Leftists') So the reason these characters are named this is to challenge these people to show that they are strong and stand up to the term associated with them. The creator also opens up with "Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they / them" which seems again, forced and is not a feature of the character that should change their personality so is unneeded in the explanation of the character other than do push a more diverse group. This clear push of a political agenda, has caused backlash from the fans and is a clear example of how not to use a political message, in a place where it is not needed and when it is forced onto consumers that care more about a good comic rather than the fact that their are non-binary people in it.