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World wide lifestyle magazine of French origin focusing on fashion, beauty and entertainment. Founded in 1945 and is French for “her” or “she”- laying out the target audience and the magazines feminist views clearly.

Website- very minimalistic format and layout- professional feel to it. Each of their key focuses are clearly labelled with relating articles linked beneath in a modern fashionable way that fits in with Elles overall feel and aesthetic as a magazine. From articles about sex, fashion brands, cinemas, nail and makeup tips- the website really does cater for its whole demographic. The website also shows how society is moving as it has a section on “secret lives of women” featuring topics made “taboo” by society's standards, many women may feel they are strange or different from other women for experiencing these things as it is not talked about openly in society. By including this section Elle sticks to is feminist views and makes women feel like they are not alone. I really like this aspect.

Cover- Very appealing to the eye, I like how it is all one colour scheme- white grey black and orange, makes the overall feel of the cover seem more professional. There is a lot of text however it is all situated around the image so it doesn’t take away from it. Features Rhianna – popular celeb to bring in a audience- not dressed typical of a fashion mag the clothes are quite editorial and abstract and her hair is quite messy however it still looks put together and fashionable- mirrors ow Rhianna doesn’t care what others think and does what she likes. Sub headings like “390 fashion ideas” “easy sexy hair” “the best skin cream on earth” all appeal to the demographic that fashion magazines normally target ( women with a interest in their appreance, trends and fashion). Also has entertainment aspect “ Rihanna's most shocking act yet” and “I did everything right and now im broke” These two subheading hint to a reader what they can expect from the article but again leave the reader wanting more.

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