is a website for Britain's most prominent gay magazine. Throughout the website, there are many representations of homosexuality.

For example, there are many articles on the stars of Ru Paul's Drag Race. This shows that this magazine is supportive of LGBTQ+. They represent them as important figures which the audience would like to know about. The article, '21 Questions with Drag Race UK's Tia Kofi', suggests that this celebrity is worth knowing about as a representative of LGBTQ+ people.
The article starts with 'Giving us razor-sharp wit, comedy gold confessionals and awesomely adequate runway looks, Tia Kofi stole our hearts on Drag Race UK.', this is an extremely positive representation of a LBGTQ person. The audience will take the preferred reading as they are likely going to be viewers of the show and possibly fans of Tia Kofi. The website has many articles on Ru Paul's Drag Race which suggests that their audience must respond well to them.

This article on the laws that have changed the game for LGBTQ equality shows how the perception of homosexuality has changed. Over a decade ago, there were many stereotypes for homosexual people and many negative opinions about them. This article shows how there is a lot less stigma and there is change happening to allow more equality in society.9u uj
This article is celebrating the law changes which have greatly improved the lives of homosexual people. This suggests that Attitude's audience are people who will be happy by these changes. The audience will take the preferred reading because they may be homosexual themselves and this article is based on factual law changes.

Stuart Hall says that a combination of codes and signs form a shared language which enables people to build a culture of shared understandings (shared conceptual roadmap). An example of this on the Attitude website is the use of pride flags on some of the photographs for the articles. The audience will know this flag is for LGBTQ+ people and have a shared understanding of its meaning and significance.

This article shows how views on homosexuality has changed in society, but there are still many instances of people being against it. The language used in this article suggest that Attitude are against homophobia. For example, 'an angry crowd are seen passionately defending two gay men' shows how this crowd believe the police were wrong and Attitude agree. The word, 'passionately' shows the intensity of the support and that Attitude are showing how these people believe gay people should be treated equally.