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attitude representation: Ethnicity

Attitude magazine labels itself as a gay lifestyle magazine sold across the world. It aims to break down those harsh stereotypes that have labeled gay people in the past and it instead, aims to celebrate these things.

This front cover suggests that Attitude aims to fight the stigma around gay people and HIV, they do this by promoting one of the most successful gay shows ever, Ru Pauls Drag race. To promote the show they use a gay black man who has won the show, this is celebrating diversity in the gay culture.

Out of lots of the front covers Attitude magazine have, there are not many ethnically diverse men only about 20 out of hundreds of men. However, this is not a negative representation because gay people make up less than 1% of the worlds population and most of that population is in the western world where ethnic people are minorities, so it makes sense.

The ethnic gay population in the world are represented here by one man on the front cover of the magazine, this man does not speak for the whole population of the ethnic homosexuals but, at the same time, does not present them in a negative way. People in the LGBTQ community aim to accept and tolerate everyone no matter their skin colour or sexual orientation, therefore celebrating it on the front page of the magazine.

Richard Dyer states that the stereotype is reduced to a few characteristics, but that is not seen here because we can't see a stereotypical attribute that has been placed on this person. Some would argue that the hat he is wearing is being worn to destroy the stigma that is placed upon gay people in the media and in real life. I think this can be applied to all gay men that are featured in this magazine, because this is all inclusive it does not reduce people down to a few single stereotypes.

I think that this front cover is a good example of media plurality because it is informing people across the world of their ethics and ideologies whilst destroying those stereotypes that have been applied to them by the media all their life.


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