Attitude is a British gay lifestyle magazine with the ideologies of catering to the LGBT community and giving them a voice. Because of this , homosexuality is represented frequently throughout the website through different articles and symbols.
For example, we can see representations of homosexuality with the repeated reference to Ru Pauls drag race within the website. Drag queens have become icons for the LGBT community as well as being something people outside can enjoy and find entertaining too. The use of drag queens reminds a audience to be themselves and represents drag queens as role models to LGBT people to be yourself. However Stuart Hall can be applied her as being overly flamboyant and loud are stereotypes of the gay community which Drag queens emulate for entertainment purposes. By using the drag queen reference so frequently , the oppositional view could be that attitude is suggesting all gay people have these characteristics or find drag queens entertaining which may not be the case. For example on the first page alone there is four articles just about drag race.

Despite this attitude does appear inclusive, with a variety of other articles regarding other issues and news surrounding the LGBT community and its allies. For example, we can see articles about gay history, gay athletes and tv programmes tackling LGBT topics. There are also news articles about current issues going on. Attitude includes these as a way to raise awareness that the battle for equality is not yet won and the LGBT community are still fighting for their rights. By including such articles, Attitude represents them as fighters all fighting for the common objective of equality. A example of this could be the article entitled , "Gay men arrested by police with machine guns for kissing on beach are supported by crowds"