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Attitude Representations

What we see is the 're-representation' of something, not the product or person itself.

There is evidence on the attitude website that we have a shared conceptual roadmap, a shared culture of media and sexuality as well as a similar understanding. One thing we can compare attitude magazine to is men. Male homosexuality is one of the biggest audiences for the magazine as well as the biggest topic, covering celebrities/people of importance's view on the LGBTQ+ community. In this magazine cover, Prince William, one of the most important people in the world was interviewed by attitude. This would've been a huge deal as he is part of the royal family and would've had an influential impact and meaning to people who interpret it. I believe this group has been stereotyped positively because he is such a large figure covering a minority magazine, which some audiences may protest against.

Another ideology is youth, and how a younger generation handles sexuality and expressing yourself "'I CAME OUT TO MY PUPILS TO BE THE ROLE MODEL I NEVER HAD - AND I'VE NEVER HAD A HOMOPHOBIC COMMENT IN THE CLASSROOM' this statement from attitude magazine just shows the effect a role model from a younger age can have an effect and how this positive, unstereotypical small situation can be appreciated in a magazine like this.

Attitude is a pluralism magazine showing appreciation towards a minority can make a big difference, especially with media attention from people like Prince William.


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