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Black Panther - Cultural Contexts

Media Bloggers

In a world of capes and masks , where good battles evil and justice prevails , superhero movies have a dominant force in modern cinema . The journey of superhero films is a fascinating tale of transformation , innovation , and sheer cinematic spectacle . From their humble beginnings to todays epic blockbusters . This genre has done a remarkable evolution.

The superhero movie genre was born in the early days of cinema but remained relatively obscure . Serials like caption America and the phantom introduced audiences to characters from comic books . Yet it was not until late 1970s that the genre truly took flight with Richard donners" Superman :The Movie" Christopher Reeves portrayal of the man of steel was iconic. Its success was followed by the highly acclaimed superman II in 1980 and Tim Burtons dark and visually stunning " Batman" setting a high bar for future superhero portrayals .

The 197-0s and 1980s marked the rise of superheroes on the big screen , heralding the golden age of comic book movies . This era saw the emergence of groundbreaking films that left an undeniable mark on pop culture

The real game changer for the marvel cinematic universe was in 2008 with "Iron man" .The ambitious project brought together multiple superheroes in a shared universe . It redefined the way superhero movies are made and became a cultural phenomenon

In recent years the superhero genre has evolved to become more exclusive and diverse . With the 2017 "Wonder woman" being a breakthrough for women superhero representation . With wonder woman embodying the positive qualities of strength , courage , honesty , and traditional moral clarity . The diversity of a gender , resonates around the world to little girls to women . This shift marked a significant step forward in representing different voices in this genre .

2018s Black Panther grossed an estimated $700 million in global ticket sales in its first 12 days in theaters . Black Panther is also about to become the highest grossest film made by an African American. Black Panther was created to address a serious lack of major Black American comic book heroes .

The movies release comes after a long history of overly white representation in the nominees and winners with the Oscars . And the movie has precipitated a movement with the African American community as moviegoers adorn themselves with indigenous African clothing , celebrate the movies characters , and even register people to vote before and after screenings .

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a American Made Media Franchise , and shared universe centered on a serries of Superhero films produced by Marvel Studios . The films are based on characters that appear in American comic books published by Marvel Comics . The franchise also include several television serries , short films , digital serries and literature.

The franchise has been commercially successful , becoming one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time , and it has received generally positive reviews from critics .The MCU has inspired several themed attractions , an art exhibit , television specials , literary material , multiple tie - in films , games and commercials .

In just a decade Marvel Studios have redefined the franchise movie . Marvels 22 films have grossed some $17 million - more than any other movie franchise in history. At the same time they average an impressive 84% approval rating on rotten tomatoes (the average for a top 15 grossing franchises is 68%) and receive an average of 64 nominations and awards per movie.

Avengers Endgame , released in the Spring , has won rave reviews and generated so much demand that online movie ticket retailers had to overhaul their systems to manage the number of requests

The sucsess of films like Black Panther and Superwoman ahve shwon that audiencve are hungry for represintaion in their enetrtainment

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