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Conventions of narrative music video

Tyler the Creator- A BOY IS A GUN*

The music video for A Boy is a Gun tells the story of 2 men going through a strenuous break-up, with the main focus of the song (Tyler himself) constantly changing his mind on whether he wants his partner to stay with him or leave him.

The lyrics compliment how Tyler feels throughout the video, with him arguing with his partner at one moment, and in the next shot he's being comforting. Despite this, the love interest pacs up through the whole video, showing no interest in staying.

Some shots are unrelated to the video, particularly the establishing shots of the mansion and the garden area, but they are most likely used as a transition between narrative scenes.

Camera shots are used to enhance the story. The camera will usually zoom into Tyler during crucial points of the song. These crucial points are also aligned with softer/more melodic parts of the song. A POV shot is used near the end from the love interests perspective, where he walks into a room, with Tyler facing away from him. The scene suggests he's approaching and going to try to give the relationship one last chance, but Tyler turns around as himself and the song says 'I don't want to see you again'. This prompts the camera to do a 180 degree turn, showing the love interest storm out the house, through rooms that suggest wealth, and into a car waiting to escort him. As the car drives away, you see Tyler run out the house chasing the 'boy', and then screaming in anger. This solidifies the duality of how he feels that has been peppered through the lyrics.

Another interesting plot point of the song is the lines when he talks about breakfast. As they're around the table, Tyler exclaims 'why is your ex here?' as, what we assume to be, the ex walks past the camera, with the next shot being a close up of her face. Interestingly, you can see her in the car as the love interest drives off at the end.

Stereotypes are used, mainly in how the characters look. The love interest is clean-cut and well dressed, suggesting his sexuality to the audience. The butler character is dressed smart, with a stern face that never breaks eye contact with the camera when he's on the screen.


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