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Music Video Analysis - See You Again featuring Kali Uchis - Tyler The Creator

Media Bloggers

The video opens with a military-style dormitory, with Tyler laying in a bunk bed, with what seems to be his 'roommate' doing press ups next to him, the tight enclosed environment and order and stillness of the beds reinforce a sense of control and discipline. Two scenes on, it shows him to be in a cafeteria sitting alone hunched over with a basic meal while everyone else is stood up, the framing is a low medium shot that slowly zooms then cuts to a medium close up to show the blank and lifeless facial expressions. It. creates a sense of isolation and longing that is being reinforced from the opening shot of Tyler laying down knees tucked up staring at the top bunk above him.

We later see Tyler looking out of a large, rounded ship window reinforcing themes of longing, isolation, and escapism. The background is hazy and grey giving it a dreamlike sequence. The window acts a barrier to the outside world and shows his distance from reality. The camera slowly pans out showing more of the grey hazy ship still keeping that dreamlike vibe and then it suddenly pulls away a large distance to show the featuring artist Kali Uchus on a boat, the dreamlike setting stays with the cinematic dreamland, the yellow gradient sky is almost vintage like. The sheer distance between them finally shows us why Tyler has been feeling so isolated and had that longing for real life and for her and his dreamland is the only place where that can happen

The next part of the video is narrative and performance, it shows Tyler in a yellow beret reinforcing the military theme on top of a battleship, he is performing exaggerated, theatrical movements. Even though there are lots of other people on top of the battleship there is a still a sense of isolation as he is wearing different clothing and different dancing, that even in his dreams he is isolated.


Media Bloggers

I’m my opinion, the war-like imagery is symbolism for his inner conflict and the emotions he has to overcome, with him wanting some affection before he has to go to war with himself. I feel like the appeals of this music video are the warm colour with high contrast and the choreography aswell

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