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I, Daniel Blake: Austerity Britain

Media Bloggers

put mortgages prices slowly increasing as a result of the federal reserves general incompetence, finical firms taking wild risks , excessive borrowing from wall street, hedge fund failures into a blender and what do you get? the 2008/09 recession that proceeds to plunge the worlds economic activity straight down the toilet of course. All a cross the world recessions effects were felt in mass unemployment and Britain was no different as the recession sent Britain's output back to ww2, rose unemployment, debt etc. etc. the short of it is Britain was in the worst state it had been in postwar history.

in 2010 with the recession still going strong the newly elected prime minster David Cameron appointed George Osbourne as chancellor of the exchequer, the role responsible for all economic policy's and activity, to fix this crisis that has been plaguing Britain for 2 years now Georgey boy decided to put a austerity in place which is one of the two main ways you can attempt to fix an recession where the government becomes a stingy cheapskate and cuts funding/spending as much as humanely possible while raising taxes on. Austerity also put work capability assessments which were "more in depth" analysis of who should get benefits from the government and who should not overall limiting the amount of people getting the help they need finically as work capability assessments went about of their way to make it difficult to secure benefits which i 'am sure was on purpose as another cost cutting measure This resulted in 490,000 thousand government jobs being cut, child poverty increasing by 600,000, reduction in nurses in the NHS leading to an sharp increase of death rates in patients in care and some sources even site a connection between a slower rising life expectancy in Britain and austerity! usually when it comes to political their are two sides to every story but in the case of austerity their is no argument to be made for this irresponsible and frankly disgusting attempt to fix the problems plaguing Britain even though to any one with a brain its clear that diverting funds at all cost away from basic important services like healthcare is ,shockingly, a bad idea.

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