Grace is the only album Jeff Buckley was able to release in his lifetime. I first discovered this album around 2 years ago when my family were debating the best version of “hallelujah”, they played Buckley’s version and I instantly fell in love. Grace is an alternative rock album, released in 1994 produced by Andy Wallace.
This album changed my life as it is the first album that genuinely wowed me as I wasn't very explorative with my music taste, mostly listening to pop and indie pop. I believe this album is the one that sparked my love and passion for music, acting like a catalyst for me to discover so many other albums and artists that I would never know about. I love every single song on this album, my top three being “Forget Her”, “Lover, You Should've Come Over” and “Grace”. I went through a two week period were the only music I consumed was this album, my most streamed song of all time now being “Lover, You Should've Come Over”. What I really really love about this album is Buckley’s vocals, he has one of the most powerful yet ethereal voices I've ever heard, with his insane wide vocal range that he manages to control and glide through beautifully. I also really admire the guitar in this album, from the delicate and haunting finger picking in “Hallelujah” to the huge distorted riff in “Eternal Life”, his skill manages to assist him in evoking so much emotion in his music.
A track I hold particularly close to me is the third track “Last Goodbye”, when I was told someone in my family died, I was coincidentally listening to that song. Despite the fact the song was written about the loss and longing in a romantic relationship, I still found myself resonating with it. Buckley explores the feelings of heartbreak, nostalgia and the inability to let go which I really felt during this period of time. It displays the complexity of human emotion when losing someone you once had so close and how much we take for granted. I will now always associate this song with this person, like it was their “last goodbye” to me.
Grace is one of the most respected albums ever made and has gone on to inspire many of my favourite artists. Mathew Bellamy from Muse has been inspired by his vocals, Hozier by his storytelling and songwriting, Lana Del Rey and Phoebe Bridgers have also claimed Buckley as a key influence.