Men’s Health is the world’s largest magazines brand for means and it is bestselling selling in America. The magazines have various topics like fitness, nutrition, fashion and more. Men’s Health was started in 1986 and was created by Mark Bricklin.
This specific Men’s Health Magazine it shows this is a fitness magazine and how they have used an athlete for this as health and sports goes together really well. The target audience for this magazine is from 16 to 35 because of how they are mostly like to be fit and more likely to endure physical activity and it is for people who loves activities like sports or exercise. The colour scheme is red and white, this connotes to determination and courage, this describes to any physical activity as it shows from the main image ‘Declan Rice’. In some of the titles they have different sizes, for example ‘Guts and Glory’, where it shoes commitment towards the team.
In this screenshot, you can see how Mens Health shows different topics about physical activity and how they help and support people in terms of what to do.