Harper's Bazaar is an American monthly women's fashion magazine. It was first published in New York City as the weekly Harper's Bazar. Harper's Bazaar is published by Hearst and considers itself to be the style resource for "women who are the first to buy the best, from casual to couture" All the covers of this magazine feature strong women and it began publication as a tabloid-size weekly newspaper catering to women in the middle and upper classes. This magazine definitely targets the aspirers.
Text One: Front Cover

Analysis of magazine front cover:
The genre of this magazine is a fashion magazine which aims to promote the best of the best. This front cover fits in with the genre conventions of a fashion magazine with the bold red writing. This makes the theme of the magazine prominent to the reader as it highlights "style". The masthead is a very modern font and helps create the expensive feeling that the magazine has. Another way it fits in with the conventions is by having Megan Fox star on it. Megan Fox is an American actress and model who has featured many times on this magazine. She fits the strong women criteria and is known for having the best of the best. This shows how she was a good fit for Bazaar as they want to inspire materialistic, acquisitive people. This front cover is similar with the others of this magazine in the way it triggers the target audiences need for affiliation with its headlines and wording. It allows the reader to want to be apart of the newest styles and fashion, it also represents women as an empowering social group. Every front cover promotes women's beauty and "the art" of the female gaze. This is also done with Megan's outfit and facial pose. She is wearing a bright white matching set which corresponds with the masthead. This outfit doesn't reveal much but gives a dominating sense to it, further implying the ideology of the magazine. Her eyes are directly staring at the readers eyes which suggests she is empowering herself and women altogether and her taking control of her own sexuality and femininity.
Text 2: Harper's Bazaar website

The website for this magazine has a different feel to its front covers. The website consists of black and white images and subheadings which, of course, promote beauty fashion and celebrity culture. The website design has a similar feeling to Vogue with the sleekness and high fashion vibe. However, on the beauty section, for example, it promotes stories with the best ways to achieve the best style.
Other Bazaar front covers to get ideas from:
