In this issue of Men's Health we see a clear template which is the focus on the model. The model crosses over the masthead of the magazine suggesting that he is the image you should be looking at. This reinforces the idea that Men's health magazine is made for you to look at and or aspire to be like the model depicted on the front of every issue.
This specific issue of the Men's Health magazine focuses on ways to gain a well built structure fast. This can be seen in the title "31 new foods to pack on muscle" suggesting that their is more you can do to gain muscle.
Secondly we also see representations of anxiety. The title "Defeat work anxiety" could suggest that Men's Health magazine too value a mans mental wellbeing as well as their physical health.
The model specifically is seen posing and staring off camera. the pose is one of stature and strength used to show of his body. Perhaps this is used to empower the readers and influence them to want to be like the model depicted in this issue. This image could be considered to be utilized as a sort of being apart of the male gaze theory. However, this theory would be more suited for a men looking at the model for influence.
Perhaps the magazine cover could be considered for the cultivation model. Men's Health magazine covers almost always show a strong, well built man posing to show of their structure. George Gerbner may see this as the constant flow of ideal body images to the consumer could be used to influence them both positively and or negatively depending on whether they take the proffered reading or not.

In this double page spread of the Health magazine we see both men and woman ranked in a line with the heading "The winners are". This has been done once again to influence readers to want to aspire to be like the models shown. We see representations of females as well as different ethnicities. This has been done to diversify the audience. Minority groups will feel represented after seeing this page and will be more likely to want to read Men's Health magazine.