Vogue Magazine is a popular fashion magazine and has a large population of women readers between the ages of 20-40. Vogue magazine is a well known magazine, with we known models advertising the front page who normally over lap the title, you see this with a lot of other popular magazines. This increases sales as in this example, Rihanna is very popular singer who has been around for many years and is a big inspiration to a lot of women, this is known as celebrity endorsement. Vogue's celebrity endorsement consist of either a close up or a mid shot of the celebrity to captures the audiences eye. Moreover, the model’s name is in bold colours to the rest of the magazine, further reinforcing the celebrity endorsement.

Vogue title is always in bold capital letters and in their signature font. This makes the magazine easily recognisable for the audience. The rest of the font on the front page doesn't stand out as much as just tells you what is inside in the magazine, but uses a white and blue font to compliment Rihanna’s photo. Furthermore, the name 'Rihanna' is in a bigger font, highlighted in blue to capture the readers eye as this would further draw the readers to the magazine, especially those who are fans of Rihanna. The rest of the layout where the text is positioned is very simple, as its around the model this allows all the attention to still be focused on her. Vogue have positioned the text around the model so it doesn't go over her as she is advertising the magazine, they have worked around the image of her.
The price and issue of what month the magazine is from is very discreet, as Vogue don't want retract attention from the model, or the main text to focus on the how much the magazine costs. However the
magazine is quiet expensive, which infers that Vogue target their magazine to as women aged between 20-40 who can afford it from their well paid jobs compared to students. Both the price and the way Vogue have styled the magazine identities that they’re aiming their magazine for groups C2, C1 and B, and the barcode is in a suitable location as its not noticeable and drawing the attention away from anything else.