The children's show Alexa and Katie is well-known for discussing hard hitting topics and bringing awareness in a positive way. This show is unlike many other children's shows as viewers learn about a main character's (Katie) mental health struggles. Initially Katie begins to experience panic attacks whilst she is working and is extremely confused and distressed as to why she repeatedly feels like she is in a state of panic. The attacks become more frequent and displayed more throughout the show as co-leading actor Katie is made aware that what she is experiencing is panic attacks. At first Katie attempts to hide the fact this is happening and choses to only trust her mother for help. Katie then finds herself having another panic attack but her mother doesn't answer the phone, she then decides to confide in her peers and seek help from them. This representation of mental health and speaking out is completely unexpected when watching a children's show but nowadays it is crucial that children are properly educated on these topics to ensure that those who suffer with this do not feel isolated and are ensured that it is okay to take that step and speak out.
The other lead to the show Alexa is known to previously have been battling cancer and only her close friends and family know. When it is time for Alexa to return back to school she also deals with feelings of anxiety and depressive thoughts. Eventually Alexa's peers all discover her previous illness and majority are accepting. Later in the show Alexa is told that her cancer has came back, this restricts her from participating in many typical teenage activities which leads her to have more depressive thoughts and episodes. This is a second example of mental health representation in this show and this variety of experiences ensures that the children who watch it gain more knowledge on mental health and those who suffer with it can feel accepted as they know their beloved main characters deal with this too. More and more children's shows are becoming more inclusive and represent extremely important matters such as mental health, this is so valuable for children's education and awareness.