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Representing Issues: Domestic Abuse (The Independent and Girls like Girls MV)

Media Bloggers (Girls like girls music video that presents an abusive relationship)

Both texts present abusive romantic relationships. The independent talks about the effects of abusive relationships, how partners isolate the victims and make them reliant on them. Most using physical abuse which is increasing death rates with suicide and murder by partners (which is often not charged). The article expresses the topic in a serious manner, which I would say is the correct manner. They even offer readers to donate after reading the article, aiming to help those in these situations.

Whereas the music video, being made in 2015, we can infer that topics like seeing the signs of an abusive relationship wouldn't be as known as it is today. The music videos shows the main actor falling for her friend, while being in a controlling relationship. However, unlike many victims of abusive relationships, the main actor was never alone and always had someone (the other female actor). Even though, this does mean that the step to recovery is possible, it doesn't take into consideration the mental health issues she now faces and what the ex could do next.

Both handle the topic of abusive relationships that relates to the era they were created, and both are proof that as a society, we are working towards an improvement towards mental health of domestic abuse, but clearly stated by the article, it won't be enough until culprits are given longer and tougher sentences.


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